At the invitation of LMA Romania, a number of organizations that are part of the Coalition on Migrant and Refugee Rights (AIDRom Association, ARCA, CNRR, ARPS, ICAR Foundation, Filantropia Foundation Oradea, SMART Association, Save the Children and ASUNOVA Pitesti) participated in a session information on the application of GDPR Regulation no. 679/2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which entered into force for all Member States from 25 May 2018.
The activity has been supported by the coordinator of the border security and personal data protection activities of LMA Romania, who is also accredited as a GDPR trainer. We do considered this activity as a support point for CDMiR partner organizations, the subject of the session being still topical and not much debated in an applied and practical way in the public environment. So, starting from the fears that we had at the time of the entry into force of this European regulation, we considered that the expertise of our colleague in the association could be shared at a basic level for colleagues from other associations who want to know more specific information.
The activity had an interactive character, the participants presenting different situations in the GDPR sphere they faced and could be debated, so that a possible solution or clarification could be found. The specificity of the field in which we operate requires a careful management of the personal data provided by immigrants in Romania, especially since a large part of them are vulnerable persons, unaccompanied minors, trafficked women and for whom any unauthorized provision of data may be similar to the threat of life.
Special thanks for hosting Tucano Coffee from Calea Dorobantilor 18, where we could have an open and quiet atmosphere with the best raspberry and ginger tea in Bucharest.