In order to prevent the unpleasant issues related to the entering the Romanian territory, it is necessary to keep the visa regime permanently informed. Migration and Foreign Assistance Policy Coordinator of APML Romania, Mariana Dumitrache, will present the main issues specific to the granting of entry visas to Romania, as well as other sources where you can get detailed information :


Visa is a document permitting to the holder of it to travel to the border crossing points in order to request transit or temporary stay in Romania for a specified period of time. According to the legal provisions, the representatives of the Romanian border police are allowed to request each foreigner to prove the fulfillment of all the conditions for entry and stay in Romania. If the fulfillment of these conditions is not proven, the foreighner may be denied to entry into Romania even if he or she holds a valid visa.

In accordance with the provisions of GEO no. 194/2002 on the regime of aliens in Romania, republished and modified by Law 157/2011, the Romanian visa is granted by the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania.


To enter Romania, a foreign citizen must fulfill the following conditions:


To Hold a valid document for crossing the border, which is accepted by the Romanian state;

To Hold a visa or residence permit granted according with the GEO no.194 / 2002 or, where appropriate, to have any specific authorization entitling the holder to transit or stay in Romania issued according with the EU laws, mandatory and applicable to Romania only if unless throught other international agreements has not been established differently ;

To submit the documents justifying the purpose and condition for their stay and to  provide   the prouf of means ment to support their staying or their return to the origin country as well as their tranzit to another state where they will be granted to legally entry;

To present the guarantees that they will be permitted to enter the territory of the destination country or that they will leave the territory of Romania, for those who are in transit ;

Their names are not entered into the national allert systrem for the purpose of refusing their entry on the Romanian territory;

Their names are not entered into the SIS (Schengen Information System) allert for the purpose of refusing their entry ;

They are not representing a threat to the national security as well as for the law, order, health or public morals.

In order to facilitate the process of Obtaining visas the Romanian Ministry of Foreghn Affaires has operationalized the electronic portal> eViza, Available in 24/7 at , which aims at shortening waiting perioud in front of the counter aswell as making the visa application process more efficient .

The eViza portal offers for the visa applicants the opportunity to provide the proof of legal compliance by uploading   online   the necessary information and supporting documents before submitting to the counter.The documents are checked by the consular staff, which ensures   the feedback   online   and informs the applicant of the possibility of making a online appointment through the portal at a specific given date and hour and to present themselfs at the diplomatic mission or competent consular office to verify the original documents and submit the case. The eViza portal gives the user the opportunity to check   online, at any time, the stage of his / her application.

The types of visas granted by Romania are as follows:

 The airport transit visa allows entry into the international airport area and stationing until embarkation to the destination country.

  The transit visa allows entry into Romania for the purpose of transit for a time limit not exceeding 5 days.

  Short-stay visa allows foreighners to request the entry on the Romanian territory for reasons other than immigration, in order to an uninterrupted staying or more stays whose total perioud does not exceed 90 days during any 180 days preceding each day of stay on the territory of Romania. This type of visa can be issued with one or multiple entries.

The travel documents where the visa is to be applied must meet the following criteria: its validity must exceed the requested validity with at least 3 months and it must has been issued within the previous 10 years.

The short-stay visa allows  the right of the applicant to visit Romania for a limited period of time and it can not be prolonged. The visa fee is 60 Euros and is to be paid at the Romanian diplomatic mission in the state where the request is made.

The purpose of the foreighners journey that entered Romania on the basis of a short-stay visa can not be changed during his or her stay in Romania.

Also, the travel document to which the visa is to be applied must meet the following criteria: its validity must exceed the required visa requirement of at least 3 months and has been issued in the last 10 years.

The short-stay visa entitles the applicant to visit Romania for a limited period of time and can not be prolonged. The visa fee is 60 Euros and is paid at the Romanian diplomatic mission in the state where the request is made.

The purpose of the alien’s journey that entered Romania on the basis of a short-stay visa can not be changed during his stay in Romania.

Types of short-stay visa: tourism, visit, business, transport, sports/cultural, scientific/humanitarian activities, short-term medical treatment or other activities that do not contravene Romanian law.

Foreign citizens from countries whose nationals need a visa may enter Romania without a visa if they are in one of the following situations:

  • is the holder of a uniform visa (two or more journeys), of visas with limited territorial validity, long-stay visas or residence permits issued by Schengen Member States and short-stay or long-stay visas and residence permits issued by Bulgaria, Cyprus and Croatia – for transit and stays not exceeding 90 days in any 180 days prior to each day of stay in the territory of Romania if the documents presented are in the period of validity, and the number of entries and length of stay were not exhausted. The right of residence on the territory of Romania can not exceed the right of residence conferred by the respective visas / residence permits;
  • the foreigner holding a valid long-term residence permit issued by an EU Member State – for an uninterrupted stay or for several stays of no more than 90 days in any 180 days preceding each day residence on the territory of Romania;

The calculation of the right of residence can be done by using the specific calculator provided by the European Commission in this respect;

  • the foreign citizen holding a small traffic permit issued in accordance with O.U.G. no. 194/2002 on the regime of aliens in Romania and Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC) no. 1931/2006 of 20 December 2006 laying down rules on small border traffic at the external land borders of the Member States and amending the Schengen Convention under the conditions in which they exercise their right of movement in accordance with the regime of small border traffic .
  • the holder of a travel document with a red or blue cover issued by the United Nations, with the exception of those with a blue cover and the numerical series preceded by letter A – for an uninterrupted stay or multiple stays not exceeding 90 days in the course of any period of 180 days preceding each day of stay on the territory of Romania. On a case-by-case basis, the foreign national must present, together with the travel document, a certificate stating that the holder is traveling for official purposes, as referred to in the United Nations Convention on Privileges and Immunities.
  • The holder of a diplomatic and service passport issued by the authorities of the Arab Republic of Egypt holding a diplomatic and service passport – for transit and for stays of no more than 90 days in any 180 days.
  • a citizen of the Arab Republic of Egypt, a member of diplomatic missions and consular offices, commercial offices and representative offices of international organizations on the territory of Romania, valid diplomatic passport holder – during the mission, with prior notification of their names. The same facilities also benefit the family members of the aforementioned persons, who live with them, themselves holders of valid diplomatic passports, during the mission of these persons.

 Long stay visa – is granted to foreigners on request for a period of 90 days with one or more entries for the following purposes:

  • carrying out economic activities;
  • carrying out professional activities;
  • conducting business activities;
  • employment, posting, studies, family reunification, religious activities, scientific research activities, other purposes.

BE CAREFUL! The long-stay visa entitles the holder to request its extension and obtaining a residence permit under the conditions laid down in OUG194 / 2002 on the regime of aliens in Romania.

 BE CAREFUL! Against foreigners whose stay in Romania has become illegal or whose right of residence has been revoked under the terms of this Emergency Ordinance, as well as against aliens who have been found to have illegally entered Romania, the competent authorities under this chapter may take the measure the removal from the territory of Romania and, as the case may be, may prohibit entry into Romania for a specified period.

​Any third-country national wishing to apply for a visa to enter Romania must attach to the completed and duly signed application form a valid travel document accepted by the Romanian State on which the visa may be affixed, as well as documents provided by law to prove the purpose of the journey, length of stay, means of subsistence during the stay, and the possibility of returning to the country of origin or continuing to travel to another country after the end of their stay in Romania.

For countries or territorial authorities not recognized by Romania, the visas are granted on request, on separate files for the application of the visa, regulated by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 94/2008, to establish measures for the release of electronic passports and the production of other travel documents.


For more detailed information, please access the following links:

  1. Do I need a visa in order to come to Romania? The conditions of travelling to Romania (annexes – the lists of third states whose citizens must possess a visa for crossing external borders and the list of third states whose citizens are exempt from this obligation)
  2. How is the Romanian short-stay visa granted and what documents do I need if I am a citizen of a state NOT on the list of states whose citizens can apply for a visa based only on an invitation approved by the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affaires / General Inspectorate for Immigration?
  3. How is the Romanian short-stay visa granted and what documents do I need if I am a citizen of a state ON the list of states whose citizens can apply for a visa based only on an invitation approved by  the Romanian Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform / the Romanian Office for Immigration?
  4. Are you a citizen of: the Russian Federation, Albania, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, or Serbia and Montenegro? You may benefit by certain facilities when requesting a Romanian short-stay visa!
  5. How is the Romanian long-stay visa granted?
  6. Where should I apply for a Romanian visa?
  7. Visa application forms
  8. Processing fees 


Important to be followed !


Emergency Ordonance no. 194/2002 related to the regime of foreigners in Romania with subsequent additions and modifications.

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