Based on the Partnership Agreement concluded between the representatives of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy – Border Police Faculty and the  Legal Migration Association, an Informational Session was held today at the Police Academy “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” regarding the challenges of the current national and international immigration context that future border and immigration specialists should consider in completing a training that meets practical needs.

Collaboration between public authorities and civil society has always been promoted by EU institutions and agencies as a good practice model for the development of this system, especially considering that migration is a predominantly social phenomenon.

We had the honor of having with us representatives of UNHCR and IOM who made presentations on UNHCR’s lines of action at national and international level as well as on the practical aspects of the process of voluntary repatriation and reintegration into the countries of origin provided by the IOM.

At the same time, we had the opportunity to listen to His Excellency, the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Romania, SALAH ELDIN ABDEL SADEK AHMED, who brought us interesting facts about the history of the relationship between the two countries and opportunities to strengthen it.

We also thank Mr Rector, Chief Commissioner, Prof. Univ. Dr. ADRIAN IACOB because he had the readiness to open the activity and to send a message to our guests and ensure that our work together with the representatives of the Border Police Faculty will be carried out with maximum professionalism and responsibility for the quality of the information that will reach the educational process of future border guards and immigrantion police officers.


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