On 08.08.2018, the Legal Migration Association concluded a Protocol of Cooperation with the Office for Migration and Asylum (BMA) of the Republic of Moldova, having the following main objectives:
- organizing communication sessions on practical ways of applying and absorbing European or other public / private funding sources in the interest and scope of the BMA;
- supporting the institutional consolidation of BMA through the contribution made by LMA Romania to the elaboration / modification / completion of operational policies, procedures and standards;
- organizing exchanges of experience to improve specialized knowledge and good practice with other EU member states/ international organizations / EU institutions or agencies;
- organizing information sessions, roundtables, conferences or thematic seminars on asylum and migration;
- organization of scientific sessions for the purpose of presenting research / theses in the field of asylum and migration.
In order to carry out the activities of the mentioned Protocol, eligible non-reimbursable funds will be identified and accessed for the construction of a public-private transnational consortium, attracting together with us other relevant public partners as well as from the civil society.